!Apple II Interface Cards!
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O Disk Interface Boards
OOld 80 column boards
OModem Boards
OCo Processor boards
OPrinter Interface/related
OIIgs Memory boards
OIIgs STEREO boards
OMouse Boards
OUnknown types of boards
OVideo capture
OMiscellaneous Stuff
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Disk Interface Boards /\
   Disk II interface cards (apple) 20 pin connector (Quantity: 5)#
   Apple I/O Controller #
Liron 3.5 Unidisk controller#


Old 80 column boards/\
#videx 1980 80column board + ???
#ALS addram (with 16 pin connector)
#videx 80 column with connectors
#Microtek Magnum 80 with RCA connectors
#Micro-sci 80 column card (+ 128 k??) for aux connector 1983
#Wizard 16k memory
#Advanced Logic Systems Smart Term video display interface (2 rca connections)
#Ramworks III IIe aux slot 80 col/1 meg board
#Apple Inc language card has 16 pin connector
#ALS smarterm video display interface 2 rca connectors
#Apple 64k 80 col

Modem Boards/\
zoom modem IIe#
Zoom Networker modem with cable/button#
Hayes Micromodem II board with external box#
Hayes Micromodem II board#


Co Processor boards/\
#Fast Math Co Processor for IIgs/IIe with
-software and manuals (including IIgs system 6 drivers)
#PCPI AppliCard Z80 CoProcessor with RAM
# ALS Z-Engine Z80 CoProcessor
#Microsoft Softcard z80 coprocessor plus ram

Printer Interface/related /\
Grappler C/Mac/GS serial to parallel converter with ac adaptor (DIN, other serial connections)#
Communications Board with 19 pin db header (apple INC)#
1 Super COMM super serial card#
Super serial card II (quantity 6)#
GPC parallel card#
Grappler + (orange micro) Parallel card with no cable (3 quantity)#
AII Parallel Interface Apple INC no cables  (2 quantity)#
Fingerprint Plus parallel printer with screen capture#
Epson APL parallel printer board (2 quantity)#
SMT printech II parallel card#
Practical Peripherals Microbuffer II card (quantity 2)#
Synch Printer interface card Apple INC 1979 9 pin connector#


IIgs Memory boards/\
#8 meg sirius RAM for IIgs (fully populated)
#Apple II IIgs memory expansion (1 meg, full)
#AST RAMSTak plus IIgs memory board plus ROM expansion

IIgs STEREO boards /\
Super Sonic Apple IIgs stereo card (with all cables, software, manual)#
Sonic Blaster IIgs stereo card/digitizer (With all cables, software, manual)#


 Mouse Boards/\
#Bitmouse PC mouse card
#Apple Inc Mouse Card

Unknown types of boards/\
1 strange card#
Apple II sound card with 2 RCA connectors (Stereo?)#
                                                                                                                            Modem maybe?#


 Video capture/\
#Digital Vision computer eyes video capture board (quantity: 2)
#AST vision plus video capture with software/manual, original box
#BCD associates model 400 with "computer video, video in, channel 1, channel 2, audio ---in,-addressing code, player video connectors

Miscellaneous Stuff /\
Quickie hand held scanner (scanner only)#
AE Time Master II HO (high output) with 2 connectors on board, battery#
Echo IIb speech, music card with cable/software#


****   RARE BOARDS /\
****    -------------------------------
#****    SlotBuster II multifunction board
#****    PCPI frame grabber (video capture) with RCA connector
#****    apple II video overlay card with all cables, orig box, software, no manual
#****    TWGS 8k 8 mhz works great with instuctions, disks, upgrade directions
#****    TWGS 8k 12.5 Mhz works great with instructions, disks, upgrade directions
#****    Apple II workstation card with all cables, software
#****    AE parallel pro
#****    Heuristic H2000 Speech recognition board
#****    Cirtech Stat RAM static Ram board
#****    Voice Input Module with motherboard connector
#****    MMI DAC board 1982 temporal acuity products inc SPKR OUT and AUX out,
#****    Mountain A/d + d/a 1980 with 2 26 pin connectors
#****    Covox Voice Master
#****    Borg Warner Ufonic speech card?  Voice input?  RCA coonnector labeled 'jack"
#****    AE phasor sound/speech/stereo/ emulates many cards 2 rca connectors
#****    Mountain computer multi function parallel/serial/clock cables, software, and manuals
#****    Versa Card multifunction parallel/serial/clock/ ??? Prometheus Products
#****    CPS Universal Disk Controller small board
#****    CPS Universal Disk Controller big board
#****    OKS multikache board with SCSI piggyback
#****    Unidisk 3.5 controller board